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верфи,adventure with, functionality usability, usability comfort, range therefore, more multifunctional, adventure boat, boat genre, made with, clear opportunities, boat range, dining area, this boat, your next, cross cabin, panoramic front, rear windscreens, optimized layout, spacious multi, multi cabin, with optional, fuel consumption, twin stepped, sharp entry, entry hull, team will, that axopar, cool looking, boat with, hull design, with axopar, adventure boats, boat that, award winning, models offer, have seen, axopar brand, finnish brand, boat show, hull lines, axopar boats, founding partner, adventures with, iconic axopar, nordic walkaround, walkaround outboard, outboard powered, axopar proudly, proudly presents, sseldorf 2024, this range, customer feedback, wide opening, mercury outboards, cruising speed, have been, test drive, their axopar, fuel economy, axopar owner, well done, done axopar, ride quality, impressed with, round visibility, hugo andreae, high performance, adventurous design, design language, innovative ideas, fresh solutions, more from, latest news, rights reserved, axopar 25 cross, axopar 29 cross, axopar 28 cabin, sense of purpose, functionality usability comfort, axopar 29 range, value for money, redefine the adventure, adventure boat genre, with a sense, opportunities for improvement, fast and dedicated, front and rear, spacious multi cabin, optional aft cabin, degree v sharp, sharp entry hull, axopar 28 range, around the world, launched in 2014, nordic walkaround outboard, walkaround outboard powered, axopar s future, axopar proudly presents, boot d sseldorf, axopar 37 cross, well done axopar, axopar 28 brabus, adventurous design language, language and attitude, ideas and fresh, axopar 29 range therefore, redefine the adventure boat, clear opportunities for improvement, axopar 29 cross cabin, panoramic front and rear, front and rear windscreens, with optional aft cabin, degree v sharp entry, axopar 29 xc cross, nordic walkaround outboard powered, boot d sseldorf 2024, introduction of the axopar, axopar 37 cross cabin, design language and attitude, innovative ideas and fresh, ideas and fresh solutions, материал корпуса, спальное место, кормовой каютой, открытой кормовой, кормовой палубе, mercury verado, может быть, стандартной комплектации, удобство использования, широкие возможности, возможности настройки, водные лыжи, модульная природа, природа axopar, наше многоплатформенное, многоплатформенное мышление, мышление позволяют, настроить свою, свою лодку, кормовой компоновкой, вашими повседневными, повседневными потребностями, комплектации axopar, оснащается просторной, просторной открытой, палуба может, быть дополнительно, дополнительно оборудована, оборудована кормовой, кормовой скамейкой, скамейкой модулем, модулем мокрого, мокрого бара, приключенческих лодок, чувством цели, функциональности удобству, использования комфорту, соотношением цены, жанра приключенческих, новая лодка, лодок всего, таким образом, представляет собой, более многофункциональный, компания axopar, совершенно новый, новый axopar, любимую модель, точки зрения, высокое качество, вашу лодку, моторные лодки, собой кульминацию, кульминацию наших, наших приключений, наших клиентов, более высокие, boot dusseldorf, новая серия, walkthrough axopar, 2024 axopar, катера моторной, 2011 2024, широкие возможности настройки, компоновкой в соответствии, модульная природа axopar, axopar и наше, наше многоплатформенное мышление, многоплатформенное мышление позволяют, позволяют вам настроить, настроить свою лодку, лодку с кормовой, соответствии с вашими, вашими повседневными потребностями, стандартной комплектации axopar, оснащается просторной открытой, просторной открытой кормовой, открытой кормовой палубой, кормовая палуба может, палуба может быть, может быть дополнительно, быть дополнительно оборудована, дополнительно оборудована кормовой, оборудована кормовой скамейкой, кормовой скамейкой модулем, скамейкой модулем мокрого, модулем мокрого бара, бара или кормовой, приключениям и внимательному, функциональности удобству использования, удобству использования комфорту, цены и качества, жанра приключенческих лодок, совершенно новый axopar, представляет собой кульминацию, собой кульминацию наших, кульминацию наших приключений, axopar 29 axopar, природа axopar и наше, axopar и наше многоплатформенное, наше многоплатформенное мышление позволяют, мышление позволяют вам настроить, позволяют вам настроить свою, свою лодку с кормовой, лодку с кормовой компоновкой, кормовой компоновкой в соответствии, соответствии с вашими повседневными, оснащается просторной открытой кормовой, просторной открытой кормовой палубой, кормовая палуба может быть, палуба может быть дополнительно, может быть дополнительно оборудована, быть дополнительно оборудована кормовой, дополнительно оборудована кормовой скамейкой, оборудована кормовой скамейкой модулем, кормовой скамейкой модулем мокрого, скамейкой модулем мокрого бара, мокрого бара или кормовой, бара или кормовой каютой, функциональности удобству использования комфорту, соотношением цены и качества, представляет собой кульминацию наших, собой кульминацию наших приключений, east coast, adventure disclosing, price point, point functionality, functionality economy, economy drivability, drivability looks, also include, more design, range will, will showcase, sharper industrial, industrial design, design that, more striking, embodies individuality, more spacious, spacious throughout, entire boat, boat redefined, redefined space, space utilization, layouts ensures, ensures more, more room, functional setups, more sociable, multifunctional fore, fore deck, deck with, with forward, forward facing, facing seating, shaped sofa, sofa that, extended into, deck modules, modules adapted, more economic, redefined hull, design improved, improved hydrodynamics, building methods, methods offers, offers significant, significant efficiency, efficiency increases, weight savings, even though, weighs almost, same power, same speeds, combined with, with increased, board fuel, fuel capacity, much extended, extended range, more power, power introduction, powered engines, more functional, functional everyday, everyday living, living functionality, further improved, improved with, onboard solutions, more options, options customers, personalize their, even further, suit their, their preferences, preferences with, more adventurous, option called, adventure collection, collection will, upcoming axopar, range comprises, comprises three, three distinct, distinct models, spyder each, each designed, different preferences, fuel tank, takes pride, marine industry, previous arrow, arrow left, next arrow, arrow right, axopar to mark, mark a decade, decade of innovation, innovation and adventure, price point functionality, point functionality economy, functionality economy drivability, economy drivability looks, design the axopar, range will showcase, sharper industrial design, industrial design that, that s more, small and embodies, more spacious throughout, throughout the entire, entire boat redefined, boat redefined space, redefined space utilization, utilization and layouts, layouts ensures more, ensures more room, room for comfort, comfort and functional, setups now with, with a capacity, capacity to overnight, multifunctional fore deck, fore deck with, deck with forward, with forward facing, forward facing seating, shaped sofa that, optional aft deck, deck modules adapted, adapted for more, economic new redefined, redefined hull design, hull design improved, design improved hydrodynamics, hydrodynamics and building, building methods offers, methods offers significant, offers significant efficiency, significant efficiency increases, increases and weight, bigger it weighs, almost the same, with the same, power at same, combined with increased, increased on board, board fuel capacity, capacity it allows, much extended range, more power introduction, introduction of mercury, verado v10 powered, more functional everyday, functional everyday living, everyday living functionality, functionality and servicability, servicability is further, further improved with, with new onboard, more options customers, personalize their axopar, axopar 29 even, further to suit, suit their preferences, their preferences with, with an array, called the adventure, adventure collection will, will be offered, offered and built, first 100 axopar, leaving the factory, factory in 2024, range comprises three, comprises three distinct, three distinct models, models the cross, spyder each designed, designed to cater, cater to different, preferences in boating, boating and lifestyles, previous arrow left, next arrow right, innovation and adventure disclosing, price point functionality economy, point functionality economy drivability, functionality economy drivability looks, more design the axopar, axopar 29 range will, showcase a new sharper, sharper industrial design that, design that s more, that s more striking, details big or small, small and embodies individuality, spacious throughout the entire, throughout the entire boat, entire boat redefined space, boat redefined space utilization, space utilization and layouts, utilization and layouts ensures, layouts ensures more room, more room for comfort, comfort and functional setups, functional setups now with, sociable a new multifunctional, multifunctional fore deck with, fore deck with forward, deck with forward facing, with forward facing seating, that can be extended, into a u shaped, optional aft deck modules, modules adapted for more, more economic new redefined, economic new redefined hull, redefined hull design improved, hull design improved hydrodynamics, improved hydrodynamics and building, hydrodynamics and building methods, building methods offers significant, methods offers significant efficiency, offers significant efficiency increases, efficiency increases and weight, increases and weight savings, bigger it weighs almost, weighs almost the same, with the same power, same power at same, power at same speeds, speeds as its predecessor, predecessor and now combined, with increased on board, increased on board fuel, fuel capacity it allows, allows for a much, power introduction of mercury, introduction of mercury verado, mercury verado v10 powered, verado v10 powered engines, more functional everyday living, functional everyday living functionality, living functionality and servicability, servicability is further improved, improved with new onboard, with new onboard solutions, customers can now personalize, their axopar 29 even, axopar 29 even further, even further to suit, further to suit their, suit their preferences with, preferences with an array, array of new options, adventurous a new option, option called the adventure, called the adventure collection, collection will be offered, axopar 29 s leaving, upcoming axopar 29 range, axopar 29 range comprises, range comprises three distinct, comprises three distinct models, distinct models the cross, models the cross cabin, each designed to cater, cater to different preferences, different preferences in boating, lauderdale boat, miami boat, palm beach, beach boat, cannes yachting, yachting festival, tenth anniversary, popular axopar, sseldorf boat, wider than, with fewer, more pronounced, large enough, seating area, sociable seating, even more, four forward, facing seats, eight people, outboard engine, below deck, multi storage, storage space, sleeping cabin, four people, will come, three different, fully open, fully enclosed, wraparound rear, rear screen, miami boat show, palm beach boat, cannes yachting festival, with the launch, with a brand, noise and vibration, more sociable seating, four forward facing, forward facing seats, multi storage space, come in three, with a large, wraparound rear screen, four forward facing seats, will come in three, free delivery, cabin axopar, motor yachts, range represents, listening closely, everything onboard, been improved, customers wishes, been done, done with, specific reasons, improved functionality, higher quality, quality with, visual presence, functional cozy, feels like, also very, very stable, drive with, proven hull, hull more, more than, than capable, rough stuff, stuff when, when needed, very successful, successful axopar, sliding canvas, canvas roof, roof this, this feature, been transferred, transferred over, still having, having that, that open, cockpit when, offered standard, standard with, with manual, manual operation, optionally with, with electric, electric actuator, feels vastly, vastly more, move around, around with, with less, less thresholds, thresholds greater, greater legroom, rear occupants, more headroom, layout improved, improved sightlines, sightlines combined, wraparound panoramic, windscreens offer, enormous difference, much airier, airier sensation, sensation inside, inside with, with significantly, significantly improved, degree visibility, multicabin forward, forward gives, gives tons, extra usability, kids staying, staying overnight, overnight when, when selecting, main sleeping, overnighting capability, take away, space from, overall length, bathing platforms, privacy policy, policy privacy, axopar 22 spyder, cross cabin axopar, axopar 45 cross, axopar 37 axopar, represents the culmination, culmination of living, living our adventure, adventure and listening, touch and feel, feel has been, improved and enhanced, been done with, reasons in terms, terms of improved, improved functionality usability, comfort and higher, higher quality with, cozy and sociable, sociable the axopar, axopar 29 feels, like a sports, also very stable, stable and safe, safe to drive, with a proven, proven hull more, hull more than, more than capable, capable of handling, handling the rough, rough stuff when, stuff when needed, following the very, very successful axopar, with its sliding, sliding canvas roof, canvas roof this, roof this feature, been transferred over, provide sun protection, protection and still, still having that, having that open, open air feeling, feeling and letting, inside the cockpit, when you want, roof is offered, offered standard with, standard with manual, with manual operation, operation and optionally, optionally with electric, with electric actuator, feels vastly more, vastly more spacious, move around with, around with less, with less thresholds, less thresholds greater, thresholds greater legroom, legroom for front, occupants and more, optimized layout improved, layout improved sightlines, improved sightlines combined, sightlines combined with, with the wraparound, wraparound panoramic front, rear windscreens offer, offer an enormous, much airier sensation, airier sensation inside, sensation inside with, inside with significantly, with significantly improved, improved 360 degree, visibility all around, multicabin forward gives, forward gives tons, tons of extra, have two couples, kids staying overnight, staying overnight when, overnight when selecting, selecting the main, sleeping aft cabin, capability for those, wish to take, away any space, from the functional, functional aft deck, about us about, privacy policy privacy, axopar 28 cabin axopar, axopar 37 xc cross, axopar 45 xc cross, this all new range, range represents the culmination, adventure and listening closely, closely to our customers, feel has been improved, been improved and enhanced, enhanced to our customers, done with a sense, purpose and for specific, specific reasons in terms, terms of improved functionality, improved functionality usability comfort, usability comfort and higher, comfort and higher quality, with a new visual, functional cozy and sociable, axopar 29 feels like, feels like a sports, very stable and safe, safe to drive with, drive with a proven, with a proven hull, proven hull more than, hull more than capable, than capable of handling, handling the rough stuff, rough stuff when needed, following the very successful, with its sliding canvas, sliding canvas roof this, canvas roof this feature, feature has now been, over to the axopar, protection and still having, still having that open, that open air feeling, letting the sun inside, inside the cockpit when, cockpit when you want, canvas roof is offered, roof is offered standard, offered standard with manual, standard with manual operation, manual operation and optionally, operation and optionally with, optionally with electric actuator, feels vastly more spacious, move around with less, around with less thresholds, with less thresholds greater, less thresholds greater legroom, greater legroom for front, front and rear occupants, rear occupants and more, occupants and more headroom, optimized layout improved sightlines, layout improved sightlines combined, improved sightlines combined with, combined with the wraparound, with the wraparound panoramic, windscreens offer an enormous, offer an enormous difference, difference and a much, much airier sensation inside, airier sensation inside with, sensation inside with significantly, inside with significantly improved, significantly improved 360 degree, improved 360 degree visibility, degree visibility all around, multicabin forward gives tons, gives tons of extra, tons of extra usability, usability for the boat, couples or two adults, adults and two kids, kids staying overnight when, staying overnight when selecting, when selecting the main, selecting the main sleeping, main sleeping aft cabin, cabin to the boat, overnighting capability for those, wish to take away, take away any space, away any space from, space from the functional, finnish builder, first model, other models, last week, line with, with three, will have, erik viitala, adventure listening, relentless push, breaking products, year anniversary, anniversary will, past achievements, keep developing, innovative products, products expanding, boat club, club concept, pushing forward, electric fleet, axopar says, sseldorf show, read more, launched its first, partner of axopar, adventure listening closely, ground breaking products, year anniversary will, will not just, achievements but also, also a testament, commitment to keep, developing new innovative, innovative products expanding, expanding the boat, boat club concept, concept and pushing, forward the development, show in january, launched its first model, founding partner of axopar, partner of axopar boats, living our adventure listening, customers and our relentless, push for new ground, anniversary will not just, just be a celebration, celebration of our past, past achievements but also, testament to our commitment, commitment to keep developing, keep developing new innovative, developing new innovative products, products expanding the boat, expanding the boat club, club concept and pushing, concept and pushing forward, pushing forward the development, development of the electric, sseldorf show in january, please select, select your, your home, sail world, world united, cruising northern, cruising southern, marine business, business north, powerboat world, world north, fishingboating world, newsletter sign, axopar celebrates, world premiere, 10th anniversary, anniversary celebrations, looking forward, boating industry, european power, power boat, year motorboat, motorboat awards, boats consecutively, innovative axopar, cabin also, also became, first european, european boat, boating magazine, year award, anywhere around, carried them, them over, photo axopar, where more, foot category, redefined hydrodynamics, improved efficiency, hull itself, more defined, defined more, more fluid, less angular, angular stance, stance about, higher with, pronounced flair, flair that, that will, will impart, protection from, renowned ride, quality even, rougher conditions, walkaround side, side decks, also wider, wider making, making maneuvering, maneuvering around, boat easier, sliding doors, than before, full width, width panoramic, panoramic wraparound, screen which, which changes, visibility from, cabin completely, completely letting, letting more, more light, together with, reimagined layout, with more, foredeck provides, more volume, that when, sofa extension, extension together, front facing, facing bench, shaped lounging, lounging area, biggest surprise, cabin that, that serves, serves three, different usages, large under, under deck, deck storage, storage area, optional full, full length, length sleeping, occasional overnighting, more forward, forward location, made reversing, mooring manoeuvres, restricted spaces, spaces that, that much, much safer, offset helm, with sliding, layout that, sofa configuration